Thursday, May 9, 2013

Costa Rica, a great place to write

  Two years ago, I was looking for a place to forget my business career and to fulfill a lifetime ambition.  This was to write novels and thrillers. Plots and ideas had been popping into my head for some time.

 My wife and I have lived in the UK, Asia and the US. We visited many countries for business and pleasure.  We wanted a place with good climate, reasonably developed infrastructure and friendly attitude to immigration. We wanted to find a tranquil place, close to Nature.

 We considered locations in Europe and Australasia as well as Latin America and chose San Isidro de Grecia in Costa Rica. The only problem so far is that there is so much going on socially. It often interferes with my writing.

A useful and surprising bonus is that there are many others publishing books who are based in Costa Rica. Importantly, they participate in writers’ groups to share insights expertise and ideas and meet on a regular basis. The writers are all interesting and there is a social side as well.

 The constructive comments on unfinished chapters and tips on writing and publishing are incredibly helpful. Just published is my first thriller as Aaron Aalborg, my pen name. It is titled, ‘They Deserved It’ and it is available from as a paperback and e- book.

Living in Costa Rica helped in writing the novel. It provided a good location for some international espionage between China and the US, as the plot nears its climax.

 Costa Rica is a hotbed of Expat creative writing, just as it is for painting and sculpture.  There is no stimulus like the tranquil tropical views across the mountains and rain forests, whilst sipping a cold cocktail.

Excellent internet connections make research on international locations and historical events and personalities easy. Another attraction of writing here is the airline schedule and modern airport, for trips to Latin American, North American and European locations for further research.

Here are just some of the other authors that I have met here and each has gained advantages from living in Costa Rica.

Albert A. Correia is from California and is a retired journalist living in San Jose.  Since arriving in Costa Rica, he has published three books, Even in Eden, Health Politics Rage and A President for Eden.  All take place in Costa Rica

Greg Bascom is American and a long time resident of Escazu. His book Lawless Elements is a novel of adventure, thrills and adult romance set in the exotic Philippines.  

Lucinda Gray a respected psychologist. She is a resident of Santa Ana and author of works on tranquility. She certainly chose the right place for that.

Lenny Karpmann writes about food and places to eat in Costa Rica. He has published The Food Bridge to Everywhere and is currently writing a book on offal. He lives in Laguacima in the Central Valley

Karen Luedtke is a Texan and resident of San Isidro de Grecia. She is publishing her work on cognitive science and studies of Capuchin Monkeys. Her books are illustrated with splendid photographs of wild life, taken here in Costa Rica by her husband.

Neil Martin is from Tulsa Oklahoma and is the author of several books including: Blood Red Dirt; Blood Red Sea; Blood Red Sky; Blood Red Retaliation; Chester and Denise and How about a Quickee. He lives in La Garita

Larry Rusin is the author of Avalon, California's Child and Beyond Avalon The Retreat. He is currently writing a fourth book. His is publisher is Kamel Press. Larry organizes meetings of a writers group every second Wednesday of the month at the Hotel Colinas del Sol in Atenas. Members and guests usually arrive at noon. He can be contacted at: 

New members are always welcome. 

K . Francis Ryan is a novelist living in El Cajon de Grecia  He is the author of the Echoes Quartet, a series of paranormal mysteries.  His debut novel Echoes Through the Mist is a paranormal mystery/romance set in present-day Ireland and is scheduled for release this month.  

Jo Stuart is from California and is a long time resident of San Jose. She writes a regular column for AM Costa Rica and is the author of Butterfly in the City. This book is about her many happy encounters with every variety of Costa Rican culture.

The Atenas group benefits from the professional experience of Jenny Kitson. She was an editor in Canada and now lives in San Jose. She has edited many of the books published above including  my own They deserved it.

With so much talent in Costa Rica, there are plenty of other writers to learn from. We have had writers of many genres, including poetry; novels; professional and academic articles and texts; websites and blogs.

We are a friendly bunch and welcome both experienced and novice authors.

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