
Terminated- expected Fall 2013

Most people are fired from one or more jobs during their lives. Most take this badly, but pick themselves up and get on with life as best they can. In his novel “Terminated”, is a two novel thriller. Aaron Aarlborg tells the story of Alec MacDonald, a Scot. 

Alec MacDonald had a tough upbringing in Glasgow Scotland. Fortunate enough to be born both bright and lucky, he does unusually well both academically and in business, reaching dizzying hights of wealth and renown. 

He is trained in the many ways of killing, through his karate practice and during service in the British Royal Marines. He is involved in espionage during the Falkland’s war against Argentina.

In his career with a leading investment bank and in a management consulting firm, he is responsible for the firing of thousands of senior and junior employees. He learns the psychological and financial damage that this wreaks upon both those fired and on their families.

Unusually, when he himself is finally terminated, he is wealthy and self confident enough to be unharmed. However, he hates losing, so he embarks on a Machiavellian and unusual series of assassinations, to terminate those he feels responsible for his being fired.

Does he get away with it?


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