
Publicity & Guest Blogging
If you feel you have an audience that could benefit from Aaron Aalborg's views or an audience to whom you would like to introduce Mr. Aalborg's unique perspective, please enquire.

If you readership/listenership/viewership is appreciable, Mr. Aalborg is usually happy to help.  He uses the dictionary definition of the word appreciable -

ap·pre·ci·a·ble  [uh-pree-shee-uh-buh]
     adjective:  sufficient to be readily perceived or estimated; considerable: 

Yes, an audience of two individuals can be perceived and is worthy of consideration.  Mr. Aalborg's threshold for appreciation, however, starts at 100 persons.  The number has been set low by intention.  Mr. Aalborg understands that everyone has to start somewhere and he is happy to help.

Unpublished Work Submitted for Evaluation
Mr. Aalborg's happiness does not extend to evaluating unpublished works of fiction or non fiction.  Although he has opinions and often strong ones, he feels the vast numbers of people who do evaluations for a living are far more qualified. Also, the more he has to read, the less time he has to write.

By, "evaluation," he means everything from assessing the viability or quality of a work.  A fine point is being put on this, because, in spite of this policy, he still receives countless requests asking, "Is this any good?"  "Whatchathink?" and "Am I a good writer?"

Pay a professional editor to look at your work.  Your payment will benefit you in spades in the future and save you much heartache.

If your book has been published, he may consider writing a blurb, but please keep in mind time constraints limit his ability to read everything that is sent to him.  Please do not take his inability or refusal to write a blurb for you as criticism.  His writing and appearance schedule simply does not permit him to do all that is asked of him.

"Published" does not mean "About to be published."

Charitable Giving
There are multiple thousands of organizations doing good work.  Mr. Aalborg donates to selected charities.  Like you, to whom he gives money, time and effort and why is entirely his business, so please do not ask.  He does encourage everyone to do what they can to help others.  We have all needed help at one time or another or we may in the future.  It is time to pay our karmic debt.

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